
How it All Began

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“Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness…” Mark Twain

Ever pondered your passions? For me, this can be one of those big, philosophical life questions that keeps me up at night. We hear the question “what’s your passion?” all the time, like a broken record. Of course, some folks love to debate this topic. They just can’t see a path to happiness, I say.

So, here’s my tale: Some time ago, I hung up my hat as a Project Manager in the renewable energy sector. Imagine an engineer who, instead of playing with gadgets and gizmos, orchestrated power plant retrofitting projects. The job required an unnerving amount of writing; scripts for budgetary horror stories, screenplays for pedantic presentations—it was a nightmare!

After retirement, I tramped into the life of a globetrotter, discovering new corners of the world in ways I’d never imagined. My days turned into an exciting mix of uncovering different cultures, engaging with intriguing people, and ticking off an ever-growing travel bucket list. A few years post-retirement, I took a leap of faith, donning the hat of a travel blogger. Lo and behold! Writing transformed from a work chore to a delight.

Things took an interesting turn when I channeled my inner Agatha Christie. You see, my mother is an ardent fan of mysteries. And I thought, why not write her a riveting murder mystery set amidst the quaint backdrop of the UK?

That’s when it hit me—my true passion lay in conjuring up stories and jotting them down. Now, my travel escapades breathe life into my characters and stories, primarily aimed at young adults in the hopes they’ll be bitten by the travel bug. I aspire to weave captivating tales, encouraging readers to embark on their own adventures, soak in diverse perspectives, and appreciate the world’s cultural mosaic. But, let’s cut to the chase—my true aim is to entertain. After all, who doesn’t enjoy a good read?

What are your passions?