Author Update

I am an Author, a Writer

I have a hard time saying those words. 

Steven King is an author. J.K. Rowling is an author. Neil Gaiman is a writer. Many of my friends are extraordinary writers. 

I pen various articles and posts for my blogs, scribble flash fiction and short stories, and have authored novels. I’ve been published in magazines and industry journals. 

I study the art religiously. 

However, I’m not sure I’m a writer. 

Yet, my wife says that I am. “You type away on your Mac all damn morning,” she says. 

I have been known to write while standing in line at Disneyland using my smartphone. I formulate whole plot lines while driving (this one really gets to her). I’m constantly jotting down notes on additions, edits, clarifications for my current work in progress (WIP). I’m constantly taking note of glimmers for potential story ideas. 

And I post to social media. 

Maybe I am writer, an author. 

Hopefully, one day I will be a good one. Even better, a great one. 

When I recently told a critique group that I am part of that I want my current project to sell millions of copies, they all chuckled (we all do). I’m pretty serious about this story. It’s not that it’s great. But it could be. It should be. I believe in its value to others, to the world. I believe in its theme and characters.

The only things that matter now are how to make the story better, the reader’s experience more enjoyable, the meaning clearer.

Wish me luck!