• I am an Author, a Writer

    I have a hard time saying those words.  Steven King is an author. J.K. Rowling is an author. Neil Gaiman is a writer. Many of my friends are extraordinary writers.  I pen various articles and posts for my blogs, scribble flash fiction and short stories, and have authored novels. I’ve been published in magazines and industry journals.  I study the art religiously.  However, I’m not sure I’m a writer.  Yet, my wife says that I am. “You type away on your Mac all damn morning,” she says.  I have been known to write while standing in line at Disneyland using my smartphone. I formulate whole plot lines while driving (this…


    Several years ago, I started a blog called Grandpa’s Gone Again? As the scribe for my varied adventures, I realized I actually enjoyed the writing process. During my work life, I wrote snooze-worthy budget narratives, project proposals, and bid requests (boring even now). Later, I thought to try writing fiction. You mean I can make stuff up, wow. So, I wrote a murder mystery short story for my mother, a true murder mystery fanatic. Since then, I have written two novels. I’m an experiential learner, so I figured what better way to learn than to write. Neither of those novels is much to read, but they taught me a lot about the process.…